As many of you know, I was inspired to begin this blog and the acts that followed by a man called Ryan Garcia who began his own project "366 Random Acts of Kindness" at the beginning of this year. As 100 Acts grew, Ryan, in some unforeseeable circumstance, must have stumbled upon my tiny blog. And he asked Immy and I to help him in one of his own 366 Random Acts.
Needless to say, we were completely flattered and couldn't wait to help out.
Sadly, at the time of our 100th act, the act hasn't been posted by Ryan yet. So, I will leave you in this suspense and promise you a link to the details of the act once it's live on 366 Random Acts of Kindness.
Thank you so much for following our journey.
Much love,
Chloe & Immy. x
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Monday, 10 December 2012
Act 99: Let off Lanterns.
Today, Immy and I let off lanterns in memory of those that we have lost.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Act 98: A Thanking Chapter.
Immy wrote an extra chapter of her wattpad book "Playing with Fire" to thank her fans for getting her over 400,000 reads on that particular book.
Congratulations, Imogen! Here's to another 400,000 reads!
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Act 97: Wrote a Song for the Girlfriend.
Today, Immy wrote a song for her girlfriend, La Laura. Apparently, the song wasn't horrifically sentimental so neither of them threw up.
And now, La Laura knows how appreciated she really is. ♥
And now, La Laura knows how appreciated she really is. ♥
Friday, 7 December 2012
Act 96: Penny Jar.
Today, Immy and I went into town armed with a jar full of pennies. We stood by a fountain, and handed out the pennies to passers by and told them to make a wish.
So, if you think about it, we were actually handing out wishes.
So, if you think about it, we were actually handing out wishes.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Act 95: Taxi to Costa.
Today, Immy drove friends to Costa and nearly crashed twice. And her parking "would have made her instructor cry" to quote herself.
I'm almost glad I wasn't invited.
I'm almost glad I wasn't invited.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Act 94: Free Hugs.
Today, Immy and I handed out Free Hugs to anyone and everyone who wanted, needed or asked for them.
I hope we brightened a few people's days.
I hope we brightened a few people's days.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Act 93: Made a Suggestion to a Company.
Can you remember, those of you who have had Sky for a while, when they used to put Christmas music on the planner in December? Well, Tom (my little brother) and I were discussing what they could do now the new planner doesn't have any music in the background.
We came to the conclusion that the most awesome thing to do would be to have snow falling in the planner when you were browsing. So, we told Sky. This means that if the planner does snow, (which I doubt our suggestion will have had any effect what-so-ever over a large company) it was our idea.
And just in case it does snow before this draft post publishes, the suggestion was made 25/11/12. (I work a few weeks in advance on the acts to make sure they all post on time.)
Hope things are starting to feel Christmassy for you too! x
Monday, 3 December 2012
Act 92: Paid for Parking.
Today, we went Christmas shopping into town. And although I did not drive, I paid for the parking.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Act 91: Saved Someone Money.
Today, I gave a friend my gift code so they could save money on their online shopping, saving her at least 15% off her whole order.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Act 90: Helped Organise Christmas.
It's common knowledge that parents get stressed over Christmas because there is so much to organise and so much that can go wrong. So, today I sat down with mum and helped her organise the whole thing. We have Christmas dinner ordered and ready to be delivered a few days before, we have all the presents sorted and even all the presents we already have are wrapped.
Hopefully, making December a little less stressful than it needs to be.
Hopefully, making December a little less stressful than it needs to be.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Act 89: Gave Tom a Lift to School.
Today, as I was driving myself into college, I also offered Tom, my little brother, a lift to and from school. This means he could have an extra half hour in bed, and that he got home slightly earlier than he would have if he got the bus.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Act 88: Supported SlutWalk.
It seems that our society tries to teach women to "not get raped" or to "not dress provocatively" despite the way they dress just being their own way of displaying their personality. If a woman is proud of her body and wants to wear a short skirt and feel good about herself on a night out, why shouldn't she?
In reality, shouldn't we be teaching men to "not rape" and to accept that just because a women has made an effort to look good, doesn't mean she is "leading him on."
This is a subject that makes me incredibly angry, and is one that I could rant about for paragraphs, so I will stop myself here and just refer you to the SlutWalk website before I feel the urge to punch the nearest male in the testes.
In reality, shouldn't we be teaching men to "not rape" and to accept that just because a women has made an effort to look good, doesn't mean she is "leading him on."
This is a subject that makes me incredibly angry, and is one that I could rant about for paragraphs, so I will stop myself here and just refer you to the SlutWalk website before I feel the urge to punch the nearest male in the testes.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Act 87: Day on Yahoo Answers.
Today, Immy and I spent the majority of our time answering questions on Yahoo Answers. And we didn't even post stupid answers, we genuinely tried to be helpful!
Most of the time...
Most of the time...
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Act 86: Gave a Gift.
Today, I bought a friend a chocolate advent calendar because they didn't have one and I knew they wouldn't get themselves one. And I believe that everyone should have an advent calendar to munch their way through December.
Monday, 26 November 2012
Act 85: Compliment Strangers.
Today, Immy and I spent the majority of the day complimenting people. This was another one of those acts that involved some questionable looks and us feeling somewhat creepy by the end of the day.
But, I can only hope we made at least someone feel better!
But, I can only hope we made at least someone feel better!
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Act 84: Didn't Complain. Not Once.
Today, I didn't complain. Even though I had every reason to, I didn't complain once.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Act 83: Made Cakes for Glee.
Today, Immy made cakes for her Glee Club. She was going to take a picture of the cakes for me, but by the time she remembered to, they were all gone.
And I didn't even get one. This isn't on.
And I didn't even get one. This isn't on.
Friday, 23 November 2012
Act 82: Waved Off a Bus.
Today, I walked down to the bus depot at the bottom of the village and waved off my Rotary Club men that were off on some exotic adventure down to Norwich or somewhere like that.
I hope they had a good journey!
I hope they had a good journey!
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Act 81: Held Open the Door.
Today, I held open the door. I held open every door. But, I wasn't just holding them open to let the cold in, I was holding them for people.
It seems these simple gestures are often missed out of people's busy lives, but they still appreciate it.
It seems these simple gestures are often missed out of people's busy lives, but they still appreciate it.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Act 80: Thank a Teacher.
Today, Immy and I thanked our teachers. It seems that when you get into college, teachers are surprisingly more like real people and treat you like adults, so it's a lot easier to get on with them.
And some of them are just fantastic.
And some of them are just fantastic.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Act 79: Helped Around the House.
Recently, it's occurred to me that I don't do very much to help my parents with housework. So, today I washed up, hoovered and helped cook dinner. And I've made the decision to continue being helpful for my family.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Act 78: Supported Equal Marital Rights.
A lot of people think that a civil partnership and a marriage is the same thing.
When two people of the opposite sex fall in love and decide to get married, they are entered into a legal agreement with the law that states the partner as the next of kin. This means that, should anything ever happen to the partner, all the couple's belongings, savings and children will fall into the custody of the one person on the planet that the individual in question decided to spend the rest of their life with.
However, when two people of the same sex fall in love and decide to get married, they are only legally allowed a civil partnership. This, unlike a marriage, leaves each of the individuals' families as their next of kin. So, in this scenario, if anything were to happen to one partner, custody of that partner's possessions, savings and any adopted or surrogate children biologically related to them, falls into the custody of that person's family. Not the man or woman they have decided to spend the rest of their life with.
This means that if an individual that is gay has come from a homophobic family, or a family that doesn't like their partner, (let's face it, a lot of families don't like the person their children fall in love with) should anything happen to them, their family has no legal obligation to allow their partner to any possessions, savings, or entitlement to see their children.
Despite the fact that this person fell in love and decided to spend the rest of their life with their partner, simply because a civil partnership is not the same as a marriage. It's not the same at all.
When two people of the opposite sex fall in love and decide to get married, they are entered into a legal agreement with the law that states the partner as the next of kin. This means that, should anything ever happen to the partner, all the couple's belongings, savings and children will fall into the custody of the one person on the planet that the individual in question decided to spend the rest of their life with.
However, when two people of the same sex fall in love and decide to get married, they are only legally allowed a civil partnership. This, unlike a marriage, leaves each of the individuals' families as their next of kin. So, in this scenario, if anything were to happen to one partner, custody of that partner's possessions, savings and any adopted or surrogate children biologically related to them, falls into the custody of that person's family. Not the man or woman they have decided to spend the rest of their life with.
This means that if an individual that is gay has come from a homophobic family, or a family that doesn't like their partner, (let's face it, a lot of families don't like the person their children fall in love with) should anything happen to them, their family has no legal obligation to allow their partner to any possessions, savings, or entitlement to see their children.
Despite the fact that this person fell in love and decided to spend the rest of their life with their partner, simply because a civil partnership is not the same as a marriage. It's not the same at all.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Act 77: Filled up a Paddling Pool.
This act must have been lost in Drafts since summer! I apologise for the belated post.
On one of the few hot days this year, my brand-spanking-new neighbours had a paddling pool blown up in their back garden, but were filling it up using buckets. So, I plugged in our outdoor hose and passed it over the fence to fill the pool up faster.
The kids seemed to enjoy it!
On one of the few hot days this year, my brand-spanking-new neighbours had a paddling pool blown up in their back garden, but were filling it up using buckets. So, I plugged in our outdoor hose and passed it over the fence to fill the pool up faster.
The kids seemed to enjoy it!
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Act 76: Babysat.
Today, I babysat for my neighbours so they could go out for the evening.
Looking after two toddlers wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!
However, I'm still not too keen on having children any time soon...
Looking after two toddlers wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!
However, I'm still not too keen on having children any time soon...
Friday, 16 November 2012
Act 75: Helped Organise Children in Need in School.
Today was Children in Need! And, as one of the House Captains, I was trusted to organise events to take place at lunchtime within school.
I was in charge of face and nail painting, so I roped many a friend, including Immy, in to help out.
Surprisingly, everything went fantastically well! And I'm sure everyone had fun thanks to my wonderful volunteers, I couldn't have done it without them!
I was in charge of face and nail painting, so I roped many a friend, including Immy, in to help out.
Surprisingly, everything went fantastically well! And I'm sure everyone had fun thanks to my wonderful volunteers, I couldn't have done it without them!
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Act 74: Car Pool.
Today at college, a few friends needed lifts home. So, I volunteered my little car and was Chloe's Taxi for the afternoon and ferried everyone from A to B.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Act 73: Epilepsy Band.
Today, I wore my epilepsy charity band to raise awareness of the illness.
I firmly believe that everyone should be taught what to do in an emergency where someone is having a seizure or an epileptic fit.
Because the faster you act, the less brain damage occurs, and the more of the person you save.
Trust me, I know.
I firmly believe that everyone should be taught what to do in an emergency where someone is having a seizure or an epileptic fit.
Because the faster you act, the less brain damage occurs, and the more of the person you save.
Trust me, I know.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Act 72: Fairy Godmother.
Today, I was the fantastic Fairy Godmother that I should be and FaceTimed my baby Goddaughter that lives away. She looked pretty grumpy the entire time, and contributed little to the conversation. I can't really blame her though, as she can't actually speak.
Love you, Layla. x
Love you, Layla. x
Monday, 12 November 2012
Act 71: Shared my Sweeties.
Today, I was given a pack of sweets by a teacher. So, to pay the kindness forward (and to save my braces being pulled apart by the chewy goodness) I shared them out.
Just as well because I pretty much choked to death on one of them. Damn you, Fruitella.
Just as well because I pretty much choked to death on one of them. Damn you, Fruitella.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Act 70: Made Pancakes.
Between myself feeling like a compulsive eater, and Tom feeling down, I decided to crack out the crepe pan and make some pancakes for everyone.
And smother them in so much Nutella that anyone's ability to breathe is severely reduced.
And smother them in so much Nutella that anyone's ability to breathe is severely reduced.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Act 68: Movembered.
As a member of the half of that can't grow a moustache with it being socially acceptable in our society, I have donated to friends that are partaking in Movember instead.
If you want to sponsor friends, relatives or complete strangers, you can find all the information on or you can ask your friend to link you to their sponsor form if they are a registered user.
Happy mo-growing!
If you want to sponsor friends, relatives or complete strangers, you can find all the information on or you can ask your friend to link you to their sponsor form if they are a registered user.
Happy mo-growing!
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Act 69: Tried to Help Find Charley.
A recent story circulating on twitter is about a man who had his house broken into, and among many things taking, was his puppy called Charley.
Many tweets have been going round using the hashtag #findcharley in hope of helping to locate the little bulldog.
To try to help, I retweeted a tweet raising awareness of the lost puppy.
I hope she gets home safely soon.
Many tweets have been going round using the hashtag #findcharley in hope of helping to locate the little bulldog.
To try to help, I retweeted a tweet raising awareness of the lost puppy.
I hope she gets home safely soon.
Act 67: Sang. Badly.
Today, in the hope of brightening up another human being's day, I sang. Well, it was more of a duet between us, but I can assure you, it was loud and incredibly off key.
And just if you were wondering, it was a blasting of Drops of Jupiter by Train in my car. A beautiful song, if you've never heard it.
And just if you were wondering, it was a blasting of Drops of Jupiter by Train in my car. A beautiful song, if you've never heard it.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Act 66: Carried Crutches.
Today, in college, I passed a boy in the year below with a broken leg. He seemed to be struggling massively to get down the stairs, so I offered to carry his crutches for him. He accepted my offer and went on hopping down the stairs with the help of the banister.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Act 65: Smuggled Tea.
Last night, Immy went to a firework display in a particularly cold field with her family and friends. To make the cold slightly more bearable, she smuggled flasks of tea and coffee in for everyone to share.
Remember, remember.
Remember, remember.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Act 64: Smiled at Everyone.
Today, Immy and I smiled at everyone. Absolutely everyone. As you can imagine, we seemed pretty creepy after not very long. However, I would like to think that we brightened up some people's days. Hopefully.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Act 63: Offered Help to Everyone.
Immy and I spent the whole of today offering help to people. But not just select people, we offered help to absolutely everyone we thought could do with a hand.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Friday, 2 November 2012
Act 61: Said "Thank You" to a Company.
Today, while writing an email complaining to a big company that had messed around for long enough, it suddenly dawned on me that the only times I ever bother to get in touch with a company is to tell them they've done something wrong; never to tell them they've done something right. So, I decided to take a little time out of my day to write "Thank You" emails to a handful of companies I have most recently done business with.
And just to sweeten the act, every company I got in touch with replied saying how happy they were to hear my compliments, and I even got a 10% off code from one too.
Thank you!
And just to sweeten the act, every company I got in touch with replied saying how happy they were to hear my compliments, and I even got a 10% off code from one too.
Thank you!
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Act 60: Paid a Busker.
I always see buskers around town and I rarely leave them any money (usually because they can't sing), but today I changed my ways and gave some coins to a busker I passed.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Act 59: Happy Hallowe'en!
I hope you're all having a wonderful half term week and enjoying your Hallowe'en treats.
As not many people trick-or-treat round my tiny ancient village, I took some sweeties and chocolates round to the two young children that have recently moved in next door as they weren't planning on going out in the gale force winds or pouring rain.
Trick or Treat?
As not many people trick-or-treat round my tiny ancient village, I took some sweeties and chocolates round to the two young children that have recently moved in next door as they weren't planning on going out in the gale force winds or pouring rain.
Trick or Treat?
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Act 58: Everyone Goes First.
I am back from London! I had a wonderful time, thank you for asking.
Today is "Everyone goes first" day. Which means absolutely everyone goes first. I dread to think what driving through Stokesley High Street will be like today.
Much love,
Today is "Everyone goes first" day. Which means absolutely everyone goes first. I dread to think what driving through Stokesley High Street will be like today.
Much love,
Monday, 29 October 2012
Act 57: Gay Pride!
Over the Summer, Immy attended Pride, a festival celebrating homosexuality. And seen as we were a little thin on the ground for posts this summer, she decided to write (or talk) about it this week.
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She made this. |
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Act 56: Spa Treatment for Immy's Mum
Another lovely one from Imogen.
She bought her mum a voucher to get a spa treatment. I wish she'd do the same for me. *cough*Christmas Idea*cough*
She bought her mum a voucher to get a spa treatment. I wish she'd do the same for me. *cough*Christmas Idea*cough*
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Act 55: Carried Bags to Car at Supermarket.
I am in London for the next few days so I am leaving you in the kind hands of Immy who will be doing the next few acts.
I have been ensured that although the blog posts will be vague as I am writing in advance so everything stays scheduled, she will elaborate more on the weekly video.
Today, she helped carry someone's shopping to their car at the supermarket.
I have been ensured that although the blog posts will be vague as I am writing in advance so everything stays scheduled, she will elaborate more on the weekly video.
Today, she helped carry someone's shopping to their car at the supermarket.
Friday, 26 October 2012
Act 54: "It's gonna be ok!" Day.
Immy and I always remind each other, whenever we're feeling down, that "It's gonna be ok!" Usually accompanied by a violent hug. So today, we decided to remind anyone and everyone that it's all going to be ok. No matter what's happened, it will be ok.
It's gonna be ok. Trust me.
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Yes. This is written on the wrapper of a McDonald's kid's ice cream. It was the moment I realised that I was going to be ok. |
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Act 53: Acts Done By Others.
When I began the 100 Acts, I aimed to promote kindness, but I only started noticing just how kind others are after I started the project. 100 Acts has really helped me realise that kindness isn't a rarity, it's actually very common and around us all the time.
Today, I went into college on the bus. But, as I was on the school bus in, I got a text saying that the lesson I was going in for had been cancelled - there was no need for me to be at college all day. The lovely bus driver, Steve, drove me home. The bus depot for Atkinson's Coaches is just down the village from my house, so the lovely Steve dropped me off right outside my house. What a star.
Today, I went into college on the bus. But, as I was on the school bus in, I got a text saying that the lesson I was going in for had been cancelled - there was no need for me to be at college all day. The lovely bus driver, Steve, drove me home. The bus depot for Atkinson's Coaches is just down the village from my house, so the lovely Steve dropped me off right outside my house. What a star.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Act 52: Made a Vest for a Friend.
A friend jokingly asked me: "Here! You're good at sewing and stuff like that, aren't you? Well, can you make me a muscle vest out of velvet if I buy you the material and that?"
And I replied, "Of course." Which, in hindsight, was a terrible thing to say because I'm still finding bits of white velvet flocking floating around my house. But, I did it! And he wore it (at least once)!
That's right. I draft my own patterns. |
Ta-dah! |
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Video: Acts 43-50.
Want to watch me being useless on the internet again? Here you go.
Act 51: Donated My Face.
Immy does face-painting for kids, but she needed a volunteer to have their face mutilate- I mean... beautifully transformed and then have the pictures of the designs put in her portfolio for kids (or adults) to pick out. So, to help her out, I donated my face (which was actually a stupid idea because I'm allergic to everything) and I modelled 3 wonderful Hallowe'en designs for her.
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Sugar Skull |
Monday, 22 October 2012
Act 50: Donations to Graze's Uganda School of Farming.
This is a good one today. Act number 50! Half way through! And this one requires a bit of public participation. Graze is a wonderful company that sends little boxes of delicious snacks to people. They really are gorgeous. (Especially the flapjacks!) Anyway, Graze has a school of farming in Uganda where children are taught how to grow their own food so they can feed themselves and ensure they have the ability to continue feeding themselves, and their families, in the future. As a Graze customer, I have a code that allows everyone I tell to get a completely free Graze box. And, every time someone enters my Graze code to claim their free box, £1 gets put into my Graze account. However, instead of just using that money as discount from my own boxes, I will forward every penny to the school in Uganda.
My code is 7QPKY49. All you have to do is enter this code on, tell Graze what yummy snacks you want them to send you (pick the flapjacks!) and then wait for your completely free box to arrive. And while your snacking away on your BBQ flavoured pistachios, or your popcorn, I'll be sending your lovely pound to Uganda.
My code is 7QPKY49. All you have to do is enter this code on, tell Graze what yummy snacks you want them to send you (pick the flapjacks!) and then wait for your completely free box to arrive. And while your snacking away on your BBQ flavoured pistachios, or your popcorn, I'll be sending your lovely pound to Uganda.
The code again is 7QPKY49.
Thank you so much for your help.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Act 49: Gave Out Strawberry Plants.
I have a strawberry plant in my back garden, and every year it sprouts off new shoots in the hope of reproducing into a bigger plant. Usually, we cut them back so we aren't left with a whole garden of strawberry plants, but this year I let the shoots burrow into little individual plant pots and grow into baby strawberry plants. And now the plants are big enough to survive without being attached to the original, I cut the stalks and handed out the pots to a few friends and family so they can have their very own, home-grown strawberries next summer.
And everyone loves strawberries. (Unless you have an allergy. In that case, I'm sorry that you're missing out.)
And everyone loves strawberries. (Unless you have an allergy. In that case, I'm sorry that you're missing out.)
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Act 48: Completely Cleared the Office.
I think that every household has one room that's used solely for dumping items that are between homes in. For us, it's the office. This summer I decided that I was sick of the office looking like a dumping ground, and I cleared it. Completely tidied it. And now it can be used as a real room by the whole family, rather than the room that keeps it's door shut for fear of guests thinking we should be put on a documentary about Hoarders.
Before |
After |
Friday, 19 October 2012
Act 47: Told a Joke.
Today, in the hope of cheering up a friend, I told a simple joke.
It wasn't very funny, but at least it made them giggle.
It wasn't very funny, but at least it made them giggle.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Act 46:
Now, this website really is something special. Not only do they sell fantastic t-shirts (and jumpers and bags), but every time you buy one of these tops, $7 is donated to charity. Sevenly supports a different charity every week, and this week every purchase you make will provide 21 meals to starving children in Kenya.
The best part is, I'd buy the tops anyway. Knowing they're supporting a good cause is just a bonus.
The best part is, I'd buy the tops anyway. Knowing they're supporting a good cause is just a bonus.
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Thursday, 4 October 2012
Act 45: Played the Yes Yes game.
It has been far, far too long since we've posted an act. So, to re-boot things, this week Immy and I are playing the "Yes Yes" game. (If you've seen the movie "Yes Man" it's the same idea.) Basically, we have to say yes to everything. For one whole week. Whether we're asked to swim the Channel or walk the dog, we will have to say yes. (So don't ask us to swim the Channel because you'll ruin the act.)
Hopefully it will make us realise just how many opportunities we miss every single day, while helping a few people out at the same time.
Disclaimer: the Yes Yes game is void if the request involves money, the possibility of actual physical harm, and the involvement of anything illegal.
Much love,
It has been far, far too long since we've posted an act. So, to re-boot things, this week Immy and I are playing the "Yes Yes" game. (If you've seen the movie "Yes Man" it's the same idea.) Basically, we have to say yes to everything. For one whole week. Whether we're asked to swim the Channel or walk the dog, we will have to say yes. (So don't ask us to swim the Channel because you'll ruin the act.)
Hopefully it will make us realise just how many opportunities we miss every single day, while helping a few people out at the same time.
Disclaimer: the Yes Yes game is void if the request involves money, the possibility of actual physical harm, and the involvement of anything illegal.
Much love,
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Act 44: Carried Bags to Car.
"On Wednesdays I assistant-teach a ballet group from 4 until half past 7. Today was the last class of term, so we set up all the chairs for parents and friends to come and watch. At the end of the lesson, I helped put all 30 of the chairs back on the stand, and then carried 8 extremely heavy bags (full of twinkly crowns, fairy wings, pirate swords, silver boxes, ballet shoes, skirts and leotards) out to my teacher's car." - Immy x
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
The End of an Unproductive Summer.
Sadly, Immy and I have got a lot less done, act-wise, this summer than we planned. We thought having the freedom of no college schedules would allow us more time to get acts done, but we found it a lot harder to organise things when we weren't kept to a timetable. Plus, we've both had holidays at separate times (and other distractions that the summer holidays have provided us with...)
However, the holidays are regrettably over, and the acts can get back into the swing of things. Please accept our deepest apologies, we were drunk with freedom.
It's time to knuckle down once again...
However, the holidays are regrettably over, and the acts can get back into the swing of things. Please accept our deepest apologies, we were drunk with freedom.
It's time to knuckle down once again...
Monday, 23 July 2012
Act 43: Wrote for a Book on Communication Difficulties.
My dad's speech therapy communication group is planning on putting together a short book about living with a communication difficulty. Because it would be difficult for some of the members of the group to write a contribution, family members were approached to write their perspective on living with the speech difficulties.
So, I responded to their request and wrote a small section on what it's like living with Stephen and understanding what he means from what he says. I'm not sure when the short book will be published, or if it will be only available in my dad's hospital, but I'll keep you updated when I find out more.
So, I responded to their request and wrote a small section on what it's like living with Stephen and understanding what he means from what he says. I'm not sure when the short book will be published, or if it will be only available in my dad's hospital, but I'll keep you updated when I find out more.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Act 42: Said Goodby to Mareike.
Today was the German exchange student's last day in England, so Immy invited everyone round to her house to celebrate and eat things like feta cheese and Rivita biscuits. It was good.
Goodbye Mareike!
Friday, 20 July 2012
Act 41: Waved at a Helicopter.
Today, when I was walking Cassie, a helicopter flew over us and we waved at it.
Well, Cassie didn't wave because she's a dog... But I did!
Well, Cassie didn't wave because she's a dog... But I did!
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
A New Plan.
So, as the more observant of you have noticed, Immy and I haven't been able to keep up to date with all the acts as we originally planned, plus we don't have any spare time (thanks for nothing, education) to go out and do all the fantastic acts we were really looking forward to doing! Therefore, from now on there won't be an act posted every single day, but rather the fantastic acts carried out a few times a week.
There will still be 100, more will be carried out in the summer thanks to the extra time, but they won't be done when we originally planned.
We're sorry for being silly,
But we'll try to make up for it in awesomeness.
Love always,
Chloe & Immy.
There will still be 100, more will be carried out in the summer thanks to the extra time, but they won't be done when we originally planned.
We're sorry for being silly,
But we'll try to make up for it in awesomeness.
Love always,
Chloe & Immy.
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Act 40: Adopted a Dolphin.
Today, Immy and I clubbed together and adopted a dolphin. (I wanted to adopt an otter - because I love otters! - but sadly the WWF don't provide that service.) You can adopt your own animal here from as little as £3 a month! There's 12 different animals to chose from and as well as helping to save a species, you also get a CUTE CUDDLY TOY! Win/win.
Friday, 13 July 2012
Act 39: Raised Awareness for Goodsearch.
"Taken from 366 Acts of Kindness, because that's where our inspiration is from! Today I raised awareness for Goodsearch. It's pretty much Google or Yahoo! (it's actually powered by Yahoo!) in that you type into a search bar and search the internet. HOWEVER - every time you search something it donates a penny to a charity of your choice! Now it might not seem like a lot...but think about the amount of times you use Google. So today I went around my college advertising it." - Immy x
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Act 38: Fixed Nick's iPod.
"My little brother Nick pesters me to put music on his iPod because he doesn't have a computer and therefore doesn't have iTunes. Today I went through all 3000 of my songs, picked out ones that I thought he'd like, created a playlist and surprised him by spending half an hour updating his unbelievably slow iPod with all the new tunes." - Immy x
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
An Apology.
As you are probably aware, Immy and I haven't been around to be kind for the past few days. The good news is everything is better and we are now back! The acts will continue as normal from where we left off starting tomorrow. (That puts us exactly one week behind schedule.)
We are so sorry for the delay, it won't happen again. Thank you for bearing with us.
Much love,
Im & Clo. x
We are so sorry for the delay, it won't happen again. Thank you for bearing with us.
Much love,
Im & Clo. x
Friday, 6 July 2012
Act :
I would like to apologise on behalf of myself and Immy. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, no acts have been written up or recorded this week. This is nothing to worry about and all the acts will be filled in once everything is better.
Apologies once again,
Im & Clo. x
Apologies once again,
Im & Clo. x
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Act 36: Bought a Charity Single.
Today, Immy and I bought a charity single, which will be explained further on Immy's YouTube Channel on the weekly video. I'll leave you in suspense until then...
Monday, 2 July 2012
Act 35: Repaid Dad.
Immy: "Today, thanks to being paid, I repaid my dad. He loaned me enough money to buy my brand new, sexy, ukulele. So, as well as paying him back, I also bought him a questionable amount of dark chocolate to thank him for loaning me the money in the first place."
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Act 34: Washed Up.
Today, after being on a busy shift at work, the only chef that was working was rushed off his feet - so I washed, dried and put away all the pots for him to help out.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Act 33: Cookies!
Immy: "Today, I made a huge batch of cookies (assorted chocolate and vanilla) for the girls at ballet, so they can have a quick snack during the training class. Keep Calm and Ballet On!"
Friday, 29 June 2012
Act 32: Thank-You Video.
Sadly, I am away this weekend so I'm leaving you completely with Immy. Alone. So behave. However, this does mean I won't be able to link/upload videos to the blog until I get back home. Sorry for my absence, over to Immy...
Immy: "Today, I have made a thank-you video to all my fans on Wattpad, and I'm going to try to name a lot of them individually just to make the thank-you much more personal. The video will be here as soon as it's uploaded!"
Immy: "Today, I have made a thank-you video to all my fans on Wattpad, and I'm going to try to name a lot of them individually just to make the thank-you much more personal. The video will be here as soon as it's uploaded!"
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Act 31: Kickstarter.
There is this wonderful website called Kickstarter which allows anyone to support an upcoming business. People with big ideas make a pitch on Kickstarter, and you have the option to fund their company! You don't have to give much if you don't want to, but if you do give a little more, the companies often offer you special treats and perks for backing them as a thank you.
So, by becoming a backer, you could be helping someone make their dream a reality, or just discovering something fantastic that you never knew existed before.
My favourite project that I have helped to fund was the Pebble. You may have heard of it seen as it's become a little more famous than I expected it too...
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Act 30: Walked the Dog.
Today, I did something that I should do for my parents more often.
I managed to get Cassie out of this position:
For long enough to get her into this position:
Which was surprisingly hard to do.
Today, I took her for walkies.
I managed to get Cassie out of this position:
For long enough to get her into this position:
Which was surprisingly hard to do.
Today, I took her for walkies.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Act 29: Immy Cooked Dinner.
Tonight, being the kind and charitable soul that she is, Immy prepared and cooked dinner for her whole family, all by herself. Well done, Immy! I haven't heard anything about a house fire in the news yet, so I'm assuming all went well. :')
Immy: "Tonight I cooked pasta with mixed peppers and chickpeas for my family (my brother's got bacon in theirs too, the omnivores). It was appreciated - my dad ate the veggie version with me. GET IN."
Immy: "Tonight I cooked pasta with mixed peppers and chickpeas for my family (my brother's got bacon in theirs too, the omnivores). It was appreciated - my dad ate the veggie version with me. GET IN."
Monday, 25 June 2012
Act 28: Played Free Rice.
For today's act, Immy and I played on Free Rice for a whole hour. Free Rice is an online quiz that asks really simple word-meaning questions (but they do get harder as you go along!), and for every question you get right, 10 grains of rice is donated through the World Food Programme to help end hunger.
By the end of the hour, my high score was 3000 grains of rice and highest level reached was 26 and Immy managed to score 4000 grains of rice and her highest level reached was 35. That's a total of 7000 grains of rice to help end hunger!
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Act 27: Saved a Dog.
Recently, there has been a heartbreaking scene caused by one of the houses in my village. I think that our house was in the prime location to see the full extent of what was happening, and it made me sick to my stomach to think of what else was happening out of our sight.
So we took action, and reported the events to the RSPCA. Although we aren't entitled to receive any further information from the RSPCA about the events, the animal was gone by that evening.
I hope he's happy, healthy and in a much safer place now.
So we took action, and reported the events to the RSPCA. Although we aren't entitled to receive any further information from the RSPCA about the events, the animal was gone by that evening.
I hope he's happy, healthy and in a much safer place now.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Act 26: Bought Cookies.
Today, while Immy was out shopping, she bought her mum a box of cookies to welcome her home tomorrow from her weekend away. I'm hungry now...
Act 41: Waved at a Helicopter.
Today, at work, a helicopter passed overhead. So a group of children outside, and myself, waved at it.
Act 44: Donate items to a charity shop.
I've been sorting out things in my bedroom all last week, and I've accumulated a small mountain of stuff that I want to donate to charity. So, today, I loaded up my car (because I passed my driving test!!) and drove down to the local Mind charity shop and handed over all I've sorted through so far, with more to come in the future.
Friday, 22 June 2012
Act 25: Donated to MoodPanda.
Act 25 already? We're a quarter of the way through! So, to mark the event, I have decided to something that is very personal to myself, and something I have wanted to do for a while now.
I have a real problem with my moods and how they change, so when I found an app called MoodPanda it really helped me to monitor my moods and see clearly how my highs and my lows map out over a longer period of time.
MoodPanda is run and funded by unpaid volunteers, and every penny that is donated is put straight into the community of Moody Pandas to help keep it alive. So, for today's act, I donated £5 to the wonderful team at MoodPanda, and have been rewarded with a "Bronze Supporter" medal on my account.
You can donate too, or just check out MoodPanda for yourself.
Next thing on my shopping list is definitely one of these Sad Panda hoodies!
I have a real problem with my moods and how they change, so when I found an app called MoodPanda it really helped me to monitor my moods and see clearly how my highs and my lows map out over a longer period of time.
MoodPanda is run and funded by unpaid volunteers, and every penny that is donated is put straight into the community of Moody Pandas to help keep it alive. So, for today's act, I donated £5 to the wonderful team at MoodPanda, and have been rewarded with a "Bronze Supporter" medal on my account.
You can donate too, or just check out MoodPanda for yourself.
Next thing on my shopping list is definitely one of these Sad Panda hoodies!
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Act 24: Rescued a Baby Bird.
Today, Immy and her little brother saved a baby bird from certain death in the middle of a road, they tried to feed it and put it somewhere safe so it wouldn't get hurt or killed. (They named it "Jeremy the Ungrateful" because it wouldn't need the [omitted] slug.)
Wherever Jeremy is now, I hope he is alive and safe. And has managed to eat something that wouldn't cause him to contract lung worm.
Wherever Jeremy is now, I hope he is alive and safe. And has managed to eat something that wouldn't cause him to contract lung worm.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Act 23: Things To Do Before You Die.
This is a fantastic act that was suggested by Alison on Twitter.
This act was suggested as a close friend of Alison has a YouTube series called "Things to do before you die" in aid of his friend, Ross, who sadly lost his life to cancer in 2010. He does some fantastic things that would be amazing if we could achieve in a lifetime. All the money that is made from the videos goes straight to the Ross Nugent Foundation that provides money for hospital equipment, in order to make life more comfortable for patients. He briefly explains the project himself, here.
He is also an exceptionally talented musician (with a GORGEOUS Irish accent) and he makes and sells charity singles that are available to buy on iTunes. So, for today's act, Immy and I have bought 'The Ross Song' to help support the cause.
Thank you, Alison. This story is heart breaking and inspiring in equal measure, thank you for introducing me to this wondrous series.
This act was suggested as a close friend of Alison has a YouTube series called "Things to do before you die" in aid of his friend, Ross, who sadly lost his life to cancer in 2010. He does some fantastic things that would be amazing if we could achieve in a lifetime. All the money that is made from the videos goes straight to the Ross Nugent Foundation that provides money for hospital equipment, in order to make life more comfortable for patients. He briefly explains the project himself, here.
He is also an exceptionally talented musician (with a GORGEOUS Irish accent) and he makes and sells charity singles that are available to buy on iTunes. So, for today's act, Immy and I have bought 'The Ross Song' to help support the cause.
Thank you, Alison. This story is heart breaking and inspiring in equal measure, thank you for introducing me to this wondrous series.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Act 22: A Book Update.
Today, as a thank you to all of her loyal followers on her Wattpad, Immy is working very hard to update all 4 of the books she's currently working on. (Classy, Playing With Fire, Picture Perfect and Poker Face.) Sadly, at the time of writing, my laptop wasn't too keen on opening any Watpad pages, so I can only leave you with this search link:
I apologise on behalf of my laptop.
I apologise on behalf of my laptop.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Act 21: Supported Lush Fight Animal Testing.
Today, I signed the petition to help Lush, the gorgeous cosmetics brand, fight animal testing. Here's the link if you would like to support them too, and help stop cosmetic products being tested on animals.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Act 20: Happy Father's Day!
Today, was Father's day. So, in the times when we weren't at work, we spent today producing hot beverages for our fathers. Happy Father's day, Dads!
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Act 19: Mock Civil Partnership.
Today, at her ballet class, Immy bought two rings - one for herself, and one for her friend, Sarah - so they could use them and represent a civil partnership. Immy will explain it better in her weekly vlog.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Act 18: Thank-You Present.
Today, to thank her ballet teacher for all the time and effort she put in to making the recent dance show a huge success, Immy treated her to a small thank-you present. For more information, you can watch Immy's full explanation next week on her YouTube channel.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Act 17: Happy Birthday, Mum!
Today, was my mum's birthday. So, to celebrate we went to Costa for brunch, and then to the cinemas to see the very scary but completely fantastic Prometheus.
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