Saturday, 30 June 2012
Act 33: Cookies!
Immy: "Today, I made a huge batch of cookies (assorted chocolate and vanilla) for the girls at ballet, so they can have a quick snack during the training class. Keep Calm and Ballet On!"
Friday, 29 June 2012
Act 32: Thank-You Video.
Sadly, I am away this weekend so I'm leaving you completely with Immy. Alone. So behave. However, this does mean I won't be able to link/upload videos to the blog until I get back home. Sorry for my absence, over to Immy...
Immy: "Today, I have made a thank-you video to all my fans on Wattpad, and I'm going to try to name a lot of them individually just to make the thank-you much more personal. The video will be here as soon as it's uploaded!"
Immy: "Today, I have made a thank-you video to all my fans on Wattpad, and I'm going to try to name a lot of them individually just to make the thank-you much more personal. The video will be here as soon as it's uploaded!"
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Act 31: Kickstarter.
There is this wonderful website called Kickstarter which allows anyone to support an upcoming business. People with big ideas make a pitch on Kickstarter, and you have the option to fund their company! You don't have to give much if you don't want to, but if you do give a little more, the companies often offer you special treats and perks for backing them as a thank you.
So, by becoming a backer, you could be helping someone make their dream a reality, or just discovering something fantastic that you never knew existed before.
My favourite project that I have helped to fund was the Pebble. You may have heard of it seen as it's become a little more famous than I expected it too...
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Act 30: Walked the Dog.
Today, I did something that I should do for my parents more often.
I managed to get Cassie out of this position:
For long enough to get her into this position:
Which was surprisingly hard to do.
Today, I took her for walkies.
I managed to get Cassie out of this position:
For long enough to get her into this position:
Which was surprisingly hard to do.
Today, I took her for walkies.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Act 29: Immy Cooked Dinner.
Tonight, being the kind and charitable soul that she is, Immy prepared and cooked dinner for her whole family, all by herself. Well done, Immy! I haven't heard anything about a house fire in the news yet, so I'm assuming all went well. :')
Immy: "Tonight I cooked pasta with mixed peppers and chickpeas for my family (my brother's got bacon in theirs too, the omnivores). It was appreciated - my dad ate the veggie version with me. GET IN."
Immy: "Tonight I cooked pasta with mixed peppers and chickpeas for my family (my brother's got bacon in theirs too, the omnivores). It was appreciated - my dad ate the veggie version with me. GET IN."
Monday, 25 June 2012
Act 28: Played Free Rice.
For today's act, Immy and I played on Free Rice for a whole hour. Free Rice is an online quiz that asks really simple word-meaning questions (but they do get harder as you go along!), and for every question you get right, 10 grains of rice is donated through the World Food Programme to help end hunger.
By the end of the hour, my high score was 3000 grains of rice and highest level reached was 26 and Immy managed to score 4000 grains of rice and her highest level reached was 35. That's a total of 7000 grains of rice to help end hunger!
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Act 27: Saved a Dog.
Recently, there has been a heartbreaking scene caused by one of the houses in my village. I think that our house was in the prime location to see the full extent of what was happening, and it made me sick to my stomach to think of what else was happening out of our sight.
So we took action, and reported the events to the RSPCA. Although we aren't entitled to receive any further information from the RSPCA about the events, the animal was gone by that evening.
I hope he's happy, healthy and in a much safer place now.
So we took action, and reported the events to the RSPCA. Although we aren't entitled to receive any further information from the RSPCA about the events, the animal was gone by that evening.
I hope he's happy, healthy and in a much safer place now.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Act 26: Bought Cookies.
Today, while Immy was out shopping, she bought her mum a box of cookies to welcome her home tomorrow from her weekend away. I'm hungry now...
Act 41: Waved at a Helicopter.
Today, at work, a helicopter passed overhead. So a group of children outside, and myself, waved at it.
Act 44: Donate items to a charity shop.
I've been sorting out things in my bedroom all last week, and I've accumulated a small mountain of stuff that I want to donate to charity. So, today, I loaded up my car (because I passed my driving test!!) and drove down to the local Mind charity shop and handed over all I've sorted through so far, with more to come in the future.
Friday, 22 June 2012
Act 25: Donated to MoodPanda.
Act 25 already? We're a quarter of the way through! So, to mark the event, I have decided to something that is very personal to myself, and something I have wanted to do for a while now.
I have a real problem with my moods and how they change, so when I found an app called MoodPanda it really helped me to monitor my moods and see clearly how my highs and my lows map out over a longer period of time.
MoodPanda is run and funded by unpaid volunteers, and every penny that is donated is put straight into the community of Moody Pandas to help keep it alive. So, for today's act, I donated £5 to the wonderful team at MoodPanda, and have been rewarded with a "Bronze Supporter" medal on my account.
You can donate too, or just check out MoodPanda for yourself.
Next thing on my shopping list is definitely one of these Sad Panda hoodies!
I have a real problem with my moods and how they change, so when I found an app called MoodPanda it really helped me to monitor my moods and see clearly how my highs and my lows map out over a longer period of time.
MoodPanda is run and funded by unpaid volunteers, and every penny that is donated is put straight into the community of Moody Pandas to help keep it alive. So, for today's act, I donated £5 to the wonderful team at MoodPanda, and have been rewarded with a "Bronze Supporter" medal on my account.
You can donate too, or just check out MoodPanda for yourself.
Next thing on my shopping list is definitely one of these Sad Panda hoodies!
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Act 24: Rescued a Baby Bird.
Today, Immy and her little brother saved a baby bird from certain death in the middle of a road, they tried to feed it and put it somewhere safe so it wouldn't get hurt or killed. (They named it "Jeremy the Ungrateful" because it wouldn't need the [omitted] slug.)
Wherever Jeremy is now, I hope he is alive and safe. And has managed to eat something that wouldn't cause him to contract lung worm.
Wherever Jeremy is now, I hope he is alive and safe. And has managed to eat something that wouldn't cause him to contract lung worm.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Act 23: Things To Do Before You Die.
This is a fantastic act that was suggested by Alison on Twitter.
This act was suggested as a close friend of Alison has a YouTube series called "Things to do before you die" in aid of his friend, Ross, who sadly lost his life to cancer in 2010. He does some fantastic things that would be amazing if we could achieve in a lifetime. All the money that is made from the videos goes straight to the Ross Nugent Foundation that provides money for hospital equipment, in order to make life more comfortable for patients. He briefly explains the project himself, here.
He is also an exceptionally talented musician (with a GORGEOUS Irish accent) and he makes and sells charity singles that are available to buy on iTunes. So, for today's act, Immy and I have bought 'The Ross Song' to help support the cause.
Thank you, Alison. This story is heart breaking and inspiring in equal measure, thank you for introducing me to this wondrous series.
This act was suggested as a close friend of Alison has a YouTube series called "Things to do before you die" in aid of his friend, Ross, who sadly lost his life to cancer in 2010. He does some fantastic things that would be amazing if we could achieve in a lifetime. All the money that is made from the videos goes straight to the Ross Nugent Foundation that provides money for hospital equipment, in order to make life more comfortable for patients. He briefly explains the project himself, here.
He is also an exceptionally talented musician (with a GORGEOUS Irish accent) and he makes and sells charity singles that are available to buy on iTunes. So, for today's act, Immy and I have bought 'The Ross Song' to help support the cause.
Thank you, Alison. This story is heart breaking and inspiring in equal measure, thank you for introducing me to this wondrous series.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Act 22: A Book Update.
Today, as a thank you to all of her loyal followers on her Wattpad, Immy is working very hard to update all 4 of the books she's currently working on. (Classy, Playing With Fire, Picture Perfect and Poker Face.) Sadly, at the time of writing, my laptop wasn't too keen on opening any Watpad pages, so I can only leave you with this search link:
I apologise on behalf of my laptop.
I apologise on behalf of my laptop.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Act 21: Supported Lush Fight Animal Testing.
Today, I signed the petition to help Lush, the gorgeous cosmetics brand, fight animal testing. Here's the link if you would like to support them too, and help stop cosmetic products being tested on animals.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Act 20: Happy Father's Day!
Today, was Father's day. So, in the times when we weren't at work, we spent today producing hot beverages for our fathers. Happy Father's day, Dads!
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Act 19: Mock Civil Partnership.
Today, at her ballet class, Immy bought two rings - one for herself, and one for her friend, Sarah - so they could use them and represent a civil partnership. Immy will explain it better in her weekly vlog.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Act 18: Thank-You Present.
Today, to thank her ballet teacher for all the time and effort she put in to making the recent dance show a huge success, Immy treated her to a small thank-you present. For more information, you can watch Immy's full explanation next week on her YouTube channel.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Act 17: Happy Birthday, Mum!
Today, was my mum's birthday. So, to celebrate we went to Costa for brunch, and then to the cinemas to see the very scary but completely fantastic Prometheus.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Act 16: Bought Tom a McDonalds.
Today, I went out with a group of friends when we stopped off at McDonalds on the way home. But, as well as getting myself something to eat, I bought my brother a happy meal to bring back home for him to eat at home.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Monday, 11 June 2012
Act 14: Taught a Writing Class.
Today, despite being on holiday from college, Immy went in to teach her writing club this lunchtime. She runs a regular weekly writing club for the students in the lower-school, and was determined not to let our change in timetables change the club at all.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Act 13: Helped Henna Hair.
Today, Sarah tried to henna dye her hair, but struggled on her own. So Immy went round to help her put the dye through, and now she has sexy henna-ed hair. (Awaiting images from Immy)
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Act 12: Wrote a Letter to our Future Selves.
Today, with the help of, Immy and I wrote a letter to our future selves. Whether it's advice, warning, or just a happy reminder of what life was like "back in the day," I'm sure we'll give our 30-year-old selves a laugh.
![]() |
Picture from here, not my own. |
Friday, 8 June 2012
Act 11: Starbucks.
Today, Immy took her brother for a trip to Starbucks and treated him a hot chocolate and a brownie.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Act 10: Donated Blood.
My family are all in the blood group O Negative. O Negative is the rarest blood group, and can be given to anyone, whether they're A, B or O. However, people with O Negative blood, can only accept blood that matches their group.
Because of it's universal nature, O Negative is the blood group used in emergencies and cases where time is too precious to test the patient's blood group. This means that it's in high demand, but with few people carrying the blood, and even less of them donating, O Negative is usually in short supply.
As one of the 7% of the population who has O Negative blood, my mum has always donated whenever there has been a blood drive near. And now that I am 17 and able to give blood, I am too.
Because of it's universal nature, O Negative is the blood group used in emergencies and cases where time is too precious to test the patient's blood group. This means that it's in high demand, but with few people carrying the blood, and even less of them donating, O Negative is usually in short supply.
As one of the 7% of the population who has O Negative blood, my mum has always donated whenever there has been a blood drive near. And now that I am 17 and able to give blood, I am too.
Today, I went along to my local blood drive and gave a pint of my blood. I have no idea where it will end up, but I know it will be helping someone who needs it.
If you want to find your local blood drive, whether you're O Negative or not (every drop is put to good use) you can search here.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Act 9: Left a Tip.
Today, Immy and I took a trip to our beloved Costa positioned so perfectly within walking distance from our college. As we have finished college for this term, we haven't been going quite as much as we would have liked, so we made plans to meet up and spend all our savings on gooey brownies and warm beverages.
While we were there, we saw the perfect opportunity for another act, and so - we left a tip for the lovely friendly staff in our local Costa store.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Act 8: It Gets Better.
Today, Immy posted a very moving message on YouTube to all the LBGT teenagers in the world. (Lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender.)
Monday, 4 June 2012
Act 7: Jubilee Cup Cakes.
Today, I baked!
My little village in the middle of nowhere had organised a street party for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee! I originally planned to make these cakes to take down to the street party, but since I planned that, I have been told:
1) The street party has been cancelled due to bad weather and no one in the village wanting to go out, and
2) My family is going to Blackpool Pleasure Beach to celebrate the Jubilee instead. (Hurray for being season pass holders and getting invited to after-park-hours parties!)
Anyway, before I found this out, I was sat thinking "What would be a really cool item of food to take to the street party?" when I thought, "What is the most stereotypically British thing I can think of? ... TEA!" Tea is so perfectly stereotypical, I couldn't resist doing something Jubilee-y with it. So, I searched the internet and I found this wonderful recipe, originally from The Hummingbird Bakery, which incorporated tea into both the cakes and the frosting!
So, I got to work baking up the cup cakes. I adapted the recipe slightly, (I used everyday tea, not Earl Grey and I added chocolate!) I also found these adorable little Union Jack sugar-paper decorations to put on top of the cakes too. Although the cakes weren't able to be handed round the village for the Jubilee, they were delicious all the same - and my family certainly appreciated them.
Just a word of warning: I expected the mix to make 12 cakes in total, but it actually made 31. However, there aren't many left now...
YouTube Video: Week 1.
I would just like to post a small disclaimer before you view this video: there is a reason I am not already on YouTube. There is a reason I write, and don't talk. Not only do I hate my own voice on videos, I am completely hopeless at recording them. For example, to get a 10 second shot of me saying "Hello, this is Chloe for 100 Acts of Kindness and this is act..." it takes around 20 shots and 30 minutes of footage. I am not a natural when it comes to YouTube, but I am confident all my terrible takes will make up the best gag reel ever.
Here it is, straight from Immy's YouTube channel: Week 1.
Here it is, straight from Immy's YouTube channel: Week 1.
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Act 5: Donated to
Today, Immy donated money to to support equality for LGBT movements (lesbain, gay, bisexual and transgender).
She sent her money to a plan called Iraq: Operation Relocation that aims to help gay men living in Iraq get to safety as they are often the victims of brutal violence, and even given a death sentence - just for being gay.
She sent her money to a plan called Iraq: Operation Relocation that aims to help gay men living in Iraq get to safety as they are often the victims of brutal violence, and even given a death sentence - just for being gay.
Friday, 1 June 2012
Act 4: Cut The Grass for Dad.
While the sun was still out, I decided to cut the grass for dad. This was a better act in thought than it was in action as:
1) The lawnmower weighed more than twice my weight;
2) I was scared of running over the electricity cable and electrocuting myself;
3) I'm terrified of anything that moves/flies/touches my legs;
4) We have a considerably large area of grass to mow, that took me well over 4 hours to cut.
Anyway, I got it all finished and now I'm completely shattered so I'm going to go lie down. Goodnight. x
1) The lawnmower weighed more than twice my weight;
2) I was scared of running over the electricity cable and electrocuting myself;
3) I'm terrified of anything that moves/flies/touches my legs;
4) We have a considerably large area of grass to mow, that took me well over 4 hours to cut.
Anyway, I got it all finished and now I'm completely shattered so I'm going to go lie down. Goodnight. x
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